The 100+ Best Bridgerton Quotes About Love, Feminism, Scandal & More

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Since its release on Christmas Day last year, Netflix’s smash hit Bridgerton has taken the world by storm, sparking endless memes and even its own (unofficial) musical on TikTok.

But of course, besides its droolworthy filming locations and even more droolworthy cast, Bridgerton has no doubt given us plenty of classic quotes and lines as well, gifting us gems such as “I burn for you” and “How does a lady come to be with child?”

If you’re hunting for the perfect Bridgerton quote or line for an Instagram caption, fan fiction or whatever else, we have you covered. in this post, we’ll be sharing our favorite Bridgerton quotes about love, feminism, scandal, and everything in between. Enjoy!


The Most Iconic Quotes from Bridgerton

There are some lines in Bridgerton that you just know are instant classics. Here are some of our favorite quotes from the show that every fan is sure to remember:

“It has been said that, “Of all bitches dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine.” If that should be true, then this author would like to show you her teeth. My name is Lady Whistledown. You do not know me, and rest assured, you never shall.” – Lady Whistledown, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Ambitious mamas rejoice, for the new Duke of Hastings continues to grace our fair city with his presence. And, oh, what an impressive presence it is!” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Eloise: How does a lady come to be with child?
Lady Bridgerton: Eloise, what a question!
Eloise: I thought one needed to be married.
Lady Bridgerton: What are you talking about?
Eloise: Apparently, it’s not even a requirement.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Daphne: Do you truly… Do you truly hold me in such low regard?
Simon: It is because I regard you so highly that I cannot marry you.” Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Daphne: You look angry and bothered. Look at you, you are downright flushed.
Simon: Yes, that is what happens.
Daphne: When one is angry.
Simon: When one burns for someone who does not feel the same!
Daphne: You… burn for me?” Season 1, Episode 5, “The Duke and I”

“Of course, a lady’s disgrace does not merely tarnish her own name. Like the tars of the Thames, it also leaves a horrid smear on anyone nearby.” Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“Just because something is not perfect… does not make it any less worthy of love.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 8 “After the Rain”


The Best Funny Quotes from Bridgerton

While not really a comedy, Bridgerton does have its fair share of funny and humorous lines. Here are some of our favorite funny Bridgerton moments:

“Is she to breathe, Mama?” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“I was able to squeeze my waist into the size of an orange and a half when I was Prudence’s age. Your sister shall do the same.” – Lady Featherington, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Benedict: Colin, wait. I’ll do it.
Colin: She likes me better than you, Benedict.
Benedict: Did she say that?
Colin: Everyone says that.” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Daphne: Anthony! You are here.
Anthony: Of course I am here, Sister. I’d never miss such an important day for you and our family.
Daphne: No, you would just be late for it.” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Prudence: What she is is two stone heavier than she ought to be.
Philippa: Mm, those blemishes on her face are quite difficult to conceal. Perhaps some arsenic and lead might help.” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“I shall not have you making a life with a poet, heaven forbid.” – Anthony Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Daphne: Your Grace… I had no intention…
Simon: Of knocking the climp flat out? Well, I must say, I am impressed.” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Simon: You know, I do suppose if it were not for an overzealous mother at every corner, this time of year in the city would not be so very dreadful.
Anthony: Those mothers simply want the same as you, I rather think.
Simon: For every last one of them to choke on their daughters’ hair ribbons?” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Yes, it was quite a distinction. And now 200 young ladies have a common adversary. I wish you luck, Sister.” – Eloise, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Nigel: [on the ground] Marry me, Miss Bridgerton.
Simon: Now, as far as proposals go, that may be the least romantic of all.” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Lady Bridgerton: I hope you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation.

Benedict: Not at all, Mother.

Colin: In fact, we were just heading off to… take our sticks out.

Lady Bridgerton: Colin Bridgerton!

Colin: A round of fencing.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Nigel: When you said you will be taking me to your family… I expected to be the only one present! I wore my satin knee breeches for the occasion!” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Anthony: You will never speak to my sister again, Berbrooke.

Nigel: But we are to be married.

Anthony: You are to be buried if you so much as look in her direction.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Penelope: Mama, might I go play with Eloise?

Lady Featherington: A lady does not play, Penelope.

Penelope: Forgive me, Mama. Might I go promenade for suitors with Eloise?

Lady Featherington: Very well, then.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Eloise: What happened? How did it happen?
Penelope: She said it was love.
Eloise: Love? That doesn’t stand to reason.
Penelope: No, it certainly does not. Look at my mama. Three children. Would anyone presume that had anything to do with love?” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Prudence: Some prince is coming to London.

Philippa: Then I shall wear my most brilliant dress of all.

Prudence: Something must hold his interest, as it will certainly not be your conversation.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Simon: And how did you find our eligible bachelors?

Daphne: I must confess, I have felt more chemistry when being fitted at the modiste.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Simon: A feigned swoon. Chapter six, I believe? We ought to up our game.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Finch: Oh! What a delectable frock! Almost the exact shade of double Gloucester your mother served at tea this afternoon. I so love cheese.

Philippa: As do I, Mr. Finch. Though, I must say, I do prefer a Stilton to a cheddar.” Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“”I have never understood the fashion for feathers in the hair. Why would a woman want to draw notice to the fact that she is like a bird squawking for a man’s attention in some bizarre ritual?” – Eloise, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Servant: I asked you once, and I ask again, what are you doing in my room, Eloise?

Eloise: Thinking perhaps you are Lady Whistledown. Or… if not you, then perhaps another servant type.

Servant: Are you not meant to be the smart one?” Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Champagne! It sounds like “sham” and “pain.” It is quite amusing, really.” – Lady Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“And what a suspicious illness you came down with. It seems to have manifested as a walking spittle factory with very large teeth.” – Colin Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Daphne: Mama! We are at court!
Lady Bridgerton: No one is looking at me, dearest. [Takes a bite of food]
Daphne: Mama!
Lady Bridgerton: That’s quite delicious.” Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Hyacinth: How does it feel, sister, to be in love?
Eloise: Imagine leaping off a cliff and shattering on the ground. A fair analogy?” Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“I must say, I hope you made the right choice. Well, either way, I suppose you will enjoy your wedding night, at the very least.” – Queen Charlotte, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“Will: It follows no reason or sense, does it?

Simon: What?

Will: Marriage. And there is not a bloody thing you can do about it.” Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“Lady Trowbridge: First, a woman takes her wedding vows, then we gamblers take her virtue.
Lucy Granville: If her husband has left any to be taken.” Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“Anthony: I want to apologize.

Colin: Are there locusts in the streets? Blood in the Thames? Are the end of days upon us already?” Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“Philippa: Mr. Finch has such a warm countenance, does he not? And his gaze, it inspires me.

Prudence: Perhaps it might inspire you into silence.”


The Best Feminist/Girl Power Quotes and Moments from Bridgerton

Set in Regency Era London, Bridgerton takes place at a time when women don’t exactly have the most progressive rights… and this lack of power is a frequent theme in the show. Here are some of our favorite examples of quotes that reflect this theme:

“So, Daphne may be in love. Does she think it an accomplishment? What exactly has she accomplished, then? She certainly did not build that man or bake him. He simply showed up.

Now he straggles about. He likes her face, probably. Perhaps her hair. Having a nice face and pleasant hair is not an accomplishment. Do you know what is an accomplishment? Attending university!

If I were a man, I could do that, you know. Instead, I shall have to stand by and watch dear Mama appear proud because some man should like to admire my sister’s face and hair and fill her up with babies!” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“You assure me? Despite what you and my brother may think, I am quite capable of speaking for myself. You had no right.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Madame LaCroix: Would you prefer to sit around simpering over your needlework or whatsoever it is these debutantes must do to pass the time? You and I make our own way in the world.

Siena: That we do.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Whistledown is a woman, therefore she has nothing, and still she writes. You’re a man, therefore you have everything. You are able to do whatever you want. So do it. Be bold. At least that way I can live vicariously through you.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Simon: Before I corrupt you any further…
Daphne: Corrupt me? I assure you, I am quite capable of deciding the bounds of my own propriety.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Eloise: Quite dull, would you not agree?
Penelope: It is terribly familiar, yet I am sure this is the first time I have seen it.
Eloise: That is because, like all of these paintings, it was done by a man who sees a woman as a decorative object. They are like…
Penelope: Human vases.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Prince Friedrich: Most ladies I have met cannot seem to reconcile their delicate sensibilities with the brutality of fights.

Daphne: You must have no sisters, Your Highness, if you think most women delicate and mild. A trip to the modiste during a silk shortage would disabuse you of such notions for good.” Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“You think that just because I am a woman, I am incapable of making my own choices? Is that it, brother?” – Daphne Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Why must our only options be to squawk and settle or to never leave the nest? What if I want to fly?” – Eloise, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“What am I doing? What am I… I am doing the very thing I have always done. I am looking out for myself. I am ensuring my own future. Because I know… in my heart… I know that there is no one else who ever will.” – Siena, Season 1, Episode 8 “After the Rain”

“Daphne: And what of my duty? You have no idea what it is to be a woman… what it might feel like to have one’s entire life reduced to a single moment. This is all I have been raised for. This… is all I am. I have no other value. If I am unable to find a husband, I shall be worthless.

Anthony: Daphne, you’re a Bridgerton.

Daphne: It would be easier if I were not.” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”


The Best Bridgerton Quotes About Love

Bridgerton drops plenty of gems on the topic and theme of love. Here are some of our top Bridgerton quotes about love from various characters and perspectives:

“This author has often thought the heart a most curious of instruments, heeding neither reason nor rank.” – Lady Whistledown, Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Lady Bridgerton: Daphne, I saw the way the two of you looked at each other last night and this morning. There are no others. There is only the duke.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“My dear, why ever do you complicate matters so? You must simply marry the man who feels like your dearest friend.” Lady Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“You allowed that young lady to slip through your fingers as if it were nothing. I understand that you believe such subjects as love and devotion, affection and attachment, you find it all trite and frivolous. But have you any idea those very things are precisely what have allowed a new day to begin to dawn in this society? Look at our queen. Look at our king. Look at their marriage. Look at everything it is doing for us, allowing us to become.” We were two separate societies, divided by color, until a king fell in love with one of us. Love, Your Grace… conquers all.” Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“What I mean to say is that love is surely the greatest force of all.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“Daphne, the two of you care for each other deeply. When all is said and done, nothing else matters.” – Lady Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“You are wise… or perhaps unusually lucky to understand friendship to be the best possible foundation a marriage can have. Even if that foundation should crumble as quickly as it was built.” – Queen Charlotte, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“All is fair in love and war, but some battles leave no victor, only a trail of broken hearts that makes us wonder if the price we pay is ever worth the fight. The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars. For what thing is more fragile… than the human heart?” – Lady Whistledown, Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“You what?
You love me? No, you most certainly do not.
You do not know the meaning of the word.
You do not lie to the one you love.
You do not trick the one you love.
You do not humiliate the one you love.
I may not know much, as you have made abundantly clear, but I do know one thing… I know that is not love.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“Benedict: What about honor? Romance?

Henry Granville: What would you know of either? We live under constant threat of danger. I risk my life every day for love.

You have no idea what it is like to be in a room with someone you cannot live without… and yet still feel as though you are oceans apart. Stealing your glances, disguising your touches. We cannot so much as smile at each other… without first ensuring no one else is watching. It takes courage… to live outside the traditional expectations of society. You talk of doing the same… but perhaps it is merely just that… all talk.” Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“Daphne: The two of you loved each other so very much.

Lady Bridgerton: It is a rarity, I have come to realize. That is not to say it was without its trials. Your… Your father and I faced many difficulties, indeed, but we overcame them. We made a decision early on to do so.”

“We chose to love each other every single day. It is a choice, dearest, one that is never too late to make.

I may never be able to see your father again. I… I may wake every morning and… and touch the pillow where he used to lay his head.

But knowing that the two of us made the choice to love and to do all that we could… well… I cannot tell you how much peace and comfort that brings to me.” – Lady Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 8 “After the Rain”

“You were not a fool. You merely believed yourself in love. One should never apologize for that.” – Penelope, Season 1, Episode 8 “After the Rain”

“Marina: How did you do it? How did you endure two and 20 years of marriage without love?

Lady Featherington: You find things to love, my dear. Small things. Big things, too, like your babies, and eventually they add up to be enough.” Season 1, Episode 8 “After the Rain”


The Most Romantic Quotes from Bridgerton

And naturally, since love is a theme that pops up so often, there’s a fair share of very romantic Bridgerton quotes too. Below are some of our favorites….

NOTE: Even though some of the quotes aren’t exactly romantic in the context of the show, they are still lovely words 😉

“You have me… protecting you too. I will always protect you.” -Anthony Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Now I know. You and I were destined for each other.” Nigel Berbrooke, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water” [Not romantic in the show, but quite lovely words!]

“And so, by Heaven, your love may burn from the depths of my soul. ‘Tis thee I shall earn.” – Marina’s Suitor, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Penelope: So… your condition, then, it was brought about by…
Marina: Love. It was love, Penelope.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“I’m not here because I’m jealous. I am here because I miss you! I cannot think of anything else, Siena. Come back to me.” – Anthony, Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Prince Friedrich: Miss Bridgerton, I find myself in raptures over your acceptance of my invitation to the palace.

Daphne: You flatter me, Your Highness.

Prince Friedrich: I cannot help it. You are perfection itself.” Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“We cannot be together. I know that now. This world shall not permit it. But what if we were to find ourselves in another situation, at a place where you and I might be accepted, with none of the shame nor recriminations that this society grants us. Would you have me then?” – Anthony Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“It is your dream to be a mother, is it not? To have a household full of love and laughter, like the one you have known all your life? You deserve nothing less. You deserve everything your heart desires.” – Simon, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Were I to go, there may be things in London I should miss even more than seeing the world.” – Colin Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“Daphne: You see, Your Majesty, it was love at first sight.

Simon: It was not, Your Majesty. The young lady flatters me, but it was not love at first sight for either of us. There was attraction, certainly, at least on my part. But Miss Bridgerton thought me presumptuous, arrogant, insincere. All fair, really. And I thought her a prim young lady barely out of leading strings. Not to mention the sister of my best friend, and so romance was entirely out of the question for both of us. But in so removing it, we found something far greater. We found friendship.” Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“We have fooled them into thinking we are courting… when really, all along, we simply enjoyed each other’s company so much we could not stay away from one another.

I have never been a man that much enjoyed flirting, or chatting, or, indeed, talking at all. But with Daphne… Miss Bridgerton… conversation has always been easy. Her laughter brings me joy.

To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart.

And it is with my sincerest apologies, I must say it took the prince coming along for me to realize I did not want Miss Bridgerton to only be my friend.

I wanted her to be my wife. I want her to be my wife.

And so I plead with you… not to make us wait.” Simon, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“Everything I told the queen was true. I cannot stop thinking of you.

From the mornings you ease, to the evenings you quiet, to the dreams you inhabit… my thoughts of you never end. I am yours, Daphne. I have always been yours.” Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“I am your family now. We shall make our own family, you and me.” – Colin Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“I was prepared to die on that dueling field rather than marry you and take your dream away. I would have died for you.” – Simon, Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“I know you must think me a fool… but my heart pays no heed to mere logic. When I think of her, I only want to be near her, to be with her… despite all reason otherwise.” – Colin Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“Just because something is not perfect… does not make it any less worthy of love. Your father made you believe otherwise.

He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved, but he was wrong.

Should you need any proof of the matter, then… Then look just here. I am tired of pretending. And I cannot continue acting as if I… As if I do not love you. Because I do.

I love all of you. Even the parts that you believe are too dark and too shameful. Every scar. Every flaw. Every imperfection. I love you.

You may think you are too damaged and too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy, but you can choose differently, Simon. You can choose to love me as much as I love you.

That should not be up to anyone else. That cannot be up to anyone else. It can only be up to you.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 8 “After the Rain”


The Most Powerful Quotes from Bridgerton (Mic Drop Moments!)

There’s definitely a few showstopping moments in Bridgerton where characters make some pretty profound monologues/speeches. Here are some of our favorite examples of mic drop moments from Bridgerton:

“When I was a girl, some centuries ago, I was afraid even of my own reflection. I entered a room and attempted to dissolve into the shadows.

But there is only so long one in a position such as ours can hide. I knew I would have to step into the light someday, and I could not very well be frightened.

So, instead, I made myself frightening. I sharpened my wit, my wardrobe, and my eye, and I made myself the most terrifying creature in any room I entered.” – Lady Danbury, Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Yes, Eloise, there… are perhaps darker turns in these woods than we’ve been taught to expect. There is light to be found at their end. And I know… one day… we both will find it.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Listen to me very closely… for I have only returned to do but one thing… to make you a vow… the only vow I will ever make in my life. I will never marry. I will never sire an heir. The Hastings line will die with me. Are my words clear enough for you, Father? Speak, you fucking monster.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“It is more than a ruse now. It is more than a negotiation. This is not just about finding the best match to impress Lady Whistledown…or the queen, or any member of the ton. This is about a life, Your Grace. My life. I must finally take charge of it. I cannot afford to do otherwise. So I shall not have this go wrong. If you are not in agreement, then you should tell me now.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Sweet child, many men make declarations of love when they want to make love. But rare is the man whose love remains true when the consequences of lovemaking are brought to his attention.” – Lady Featherington, Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“If you have designs upon the girl and wish to marry her, then Friedrich can disappear, for all I care, and become a delicious dinner party anecdote. But if you are merely dallying with her, and if she loses her chance of such an extraordinary match, simply because she is too wrapped up in your charms… well, then… she would be a fool, and I would never forgive you your carelessness.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“The king may have chosen his queen. He may have elevated us from novelties in their eyes to now dukes and royalty, and at that same whim… he may just as easily change his mind, a mind, as we all know, that is hanging on by one very loose and tenuous thread. So, no, I am sorry, Lady Danbury, we are in disagreement here. Love changes nothing.” Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“If your hatred for your father outweighs any affection that you might bear towards me… then you are right. It cannot be undone.

My courses are due within the next few days. You will know then which vow you have broken, and how we are to spend the rest of our lives, miserable together… or perfectly happy apart.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“My honor is not for sale.” – Will, Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”


The Best Comebacks/Clapbacks in Bridgerton

Quick quips and comebacks are a staple of the show, especially when certain fan favorite characters are involved. Here are some of the best quick comebacks from the show:

“Eloise: Surely I cannot be expected to bear these fashions the entire day.
Hyacinthe: I feel like a princess. Do I look like one?
Eloise: Do you truly wish to know what I think you look like?” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Colin: Who knows if Whistledown is even a she?
Anthony: Fair point.
Eloise: Because she is simply too good to be anyone but a man?” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“You shall never understand! Someone like you, living this ridiculously charmed… Did you think I wanted to come here… to be around people like you, so out of touch, so superior?” – Marina Thompson, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Simon: Lady Danbury, I must ask you to accept my regrets.
Lady Danbury: Your regrets… are denied.” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Daphne: If you were truly courting me, you’d buy out every florist in town.

Simon: If I were truly courting you, I would not need flowers, only five minutes alone with you in a drawing room.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Simon: Stop talking. I shall not have you question the lady’s unimpeachable honor again.
Nigel: Yes.
Simon: Yes, very well. That is all I had hoped to hear. You do not deserve to breathe the same air as her. Now, go home.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Daphne: Would you have believed me? Did you only change your mind about Lord Berbrooke because another man told you the truth?

Anthony: You truly esteem me so little?

Daphne: After I apprised you of my wishes, and you proceeded to ignore them… yes, brother, I do.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“You must have me mistaken for one of your soft-handed daughters, ma’am. It is terribly presumptuous of you to think that a visit to this neighborhood full of good, hardworking people who happen to be less fortunate than yourself would ever sway me to change my mind.” – Marina Thompson, Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Eloise: How did she become with child if she is not married?

Penelope: I do not know, but I will find out.

Eloise: You must. Otherwise, how can we make sure it never happens to us? We have accomplishments to acquire.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Nigel: She is a prize I have long coveted for her beauty, for her grace…
Simon: For her powerful right hook?” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Once she is married, her life is over. Scarcely an escape, Penelope.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Eloise: Suppose I desire something different.

Benedict: How do you mean?

Eloise: Just different. I watch Daphne prepare for these balls with all of those dresses and the many suitors, and I am exhausted. Suppose I want a different life, that I truly believe I am quite capable of something more, even when I am not allowed to have anything else.

Benedict: Then I would say… that you’re not the only one.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Anthony: Might I have a word?

Simon: Have as many as you like, Bridgerton.

Anthony: You’ll come down here, or must I come up there?

Will: My fists have taken enough pounding from your chin today, Your Dukeship.

Simon: Well? What seems to be so urgent?

Anthony: I’d like to know what was going through your head last night and this morning.

Simon: You have to be more precise. A great deal goes on in a mind as quick as mine.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“You wish to follow your heart, and I wish to nurture my mind. Let us leave it there.” – Eloise, Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Eloise: Oh! Enough! I beg of you.

Daphne: Perhaps you should join me. You will need to be proficient on the pianoforte soon enough. You could use the practice, I’m sure.

Eloise: On second thought, continue. You will frighten away the duke, the prince, and any other eligible suitor clear across the North Sea.”

“Eloise: I found bits of your sketchbook in the fireplace.

Benedict: Are you spying on me now?

Eloise: You’d actually have to be interesting for me to bother spying on you.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“How dare you question my choices? They are my choices to make, not yours. I do not question your choice to rake across the continent, forlorn and alone. I do not have to explain myself to you. I do not owe you anything.” Daphne, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Lady Bridgerton: I am sure she has many new duties to attend to as duchess, things you should be learning for your debut.

Eloise: Making simpering conversation, pretending not to wince every time a man treads on my toes during a waltz?

Lady Bridgerton: Eloise!” Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“Lady Bridgerton: See? You will look so very lovely with it pinned up next season.

Eloise: No. I will look like every other young lady, except less graceful and more bad-tempered.” Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“Lady Featherington: My dear Lady Bridgerton… is this not a dreadful circumstance, for us both to have been so duped by that scheming hussy? To think that Miss Thompson would take advantage of my kindness after I opened my home to her. You must believe, I had no idea of…

Lady Bridgerton: Lady Featherington, I must ask you to leave.” Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“Lady Bridgerton: Until you are officially out, you need not feel so strained tonight.

Eloise: As if I shall feel anything but the inability to breathe in this corset.” Season 1, Episode 8 “After the Rain”


The Best Savage Quotes from Bridgerton

We love a good bit of 19th century savagery – and Bridgerton has no shortage of savage (and badass) moments, certainly from strong female characters like Queen Charlotte and Lady Danbury. Here are some of our top picks:

“Lady Bridgerton: You must remember my daughter, Daphne.

Queen Charlotte: Yes. She made quite an impression… however fleeting it may have been.” Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Tonight, when you leave this study that you continue to keep at your family home, are you to return to bachelor lodgings across the square, or will you pay a visit to a certain soprano that you tend to in an apartment that you pay for on the other side of town? Relying on your younger brothers to one day do the job that you cannot. You like to speak of responsibility. My dear son! Of duty? Pray tell, what should you know of it?” Lady Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Queen Charlotte: How is it possible there’s not been a single compelling betrothal yet this season? Terribly unexciting!

Brimsley: I could tell you a delicious tidbit about our former scullery maid.

Queen Charlotte: I don’t care about a dish wench. I wish to be entertained, enthralled.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Queen Charlotte: Should the royal physician seek to tell me my husband is dead, Brimsley?

Brimsley: I do not believe so, Your Majesty.

Queen Charlotte: Then tell him I am occupied” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“You should consider your words more carefully, Cressida. In a matter of days, I am to be a duchess, and you shall be just as you are now, unmarried and untitled. So you can either be a duchess’s friend or her enemy. It is entirely up to you.” – Daphne, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“You cannot manage it, can you? Your responsibility. You, fulfilling the promise that every firstborn son makes to his father before he dies. Do you think he is looking down on you now, ashamed? Mortified at what you have done? I wonder, what would the former viscount say?” Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”


Best Daphne and Simon Moments

Of course, the central couple of Season 1 is Daphne and Simon. Their relationship features lots of witty banter and back and forths, so below are some of our favorite Daphne and Simon lines:

“Simon: Though I am flattered, I’m afraid I must reject your proposal.

Daphne: Yes, I know. You are not the marrying type. Yet have you considered you are not the type women wish to marry?

Simon: I suppose if I were forced to take a wife, you would be the least objectionable option.

Daphne: Is that meant to be a compliment?

Simon: Yes.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Simon: I shall agree… on one condition.

Daphne: You do not understand, Your Grace…

Simon: That you call me Simon. If we are truly to seem to be courting, if this is to be a match like no other, you should call me by my name.

Daphne: Very well… Simon.

Simon: Is there something funny about my name?

Daphne: No, no, no. It is a perfectly fine name.

Simon: Oh, perfectly fine? Very well… Daphne.” Season 1, Episode 2 “Shock and Delight”

“Daphne: Our plan has worked thus far, but we must continue our ruse until I have found my match.

Simon: In the grand battle of the season, I am your trusted general, marshaling the troops.

Daphne: Wellington could only hope for a soldier so brave.

Simon: And handsome. You must not forget that.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Simon: Excessive pride suits you, Miss Bridgerton.

Daphne: Pride is a sin, Your Grace.

Simon: One of the lesser sins. But do not worry. We must all start somewhere.

Daphne: You are not half as shocking as you think you are.” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Daphne: My mother told me something curious the other day.

Simon: Mm.

Daphne: That one should marry one’s dearest friend.

Simon: Are you suggesting I marry your brother?” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“Daphne: You look angry and bothered. Look at you, you are downright flushed.

Simon: Yes, that is what happens.

Daphne: When one is angry.

Simon: When one burns for someone who does not feel the same!

Daphne: You… burn for me?

Simon: Why do you think I followed you into that garden?

Daphne: Why do you think I went into that garden? If you would have only looked at me this week for longer than two seconds, you would have seen. It is you I cannot sacrifice. I burn… for you.” Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“Simon: I want to show you the bedroom.

Daphne: Yours or mine?

Simon: You truly believe we are to have separate rooms? I should think not.” Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“Simon: It thrills me that you are satisfied with our married life as it is, just the two of us.

Daphne: I have all that I want just here.

Simon: How did I earn such luck?

Daphne: That I do not know.” Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“Simon: I should not have stayed away so long.

Daphne: Why did you?

Simon: No particular reason. Business in London. But then I met this impertinent young lady with a right hook like an East End prizefighter.

Daphne: I am serious.

Simon: As am I.

Daphne: Simon.

Simon: Daphne.” Season 1, Episode 6 “Swish”

“Simon: I do not want to be alone. I know that now. But what I do not know is how to be the man you need me to be… the man you truly deserve. I do not know how to do this.

Daphne: Yes… You do.

Simon: Daphne…

Daphne: I know you do. You stay. You stay, and we get through this… together. If you do this, if we do this, then… Then nothing else will matter.” Season 1, Episode 8 “After the Rain”


BONUS: Wonderful Bridgerton Lines for Day to Day Life

Last but not least, we have some random lines from Bridgerton that we find too perfect to not include. These are lines that you should definitely drop into casual conversation to see who else is a fan of the show, or incorporate them into some Bridgerton-y Instagram captions:

“I am fully subscribed to the belief that reformed rakes make the very best of husbands.” – Lady Bridgerton, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“As we know, the brighter a lady shines, the faster she may burn.” – Lady Whistledown, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“Lord Byron he is not.” Penelope, Season 1, Episode 1 “Diamond of the First Water”

“After all, why settle for a duke when one can have a prince?” Season 1, Episode 3 “Art of the Swoon”

“There will be no need to resume. The duke and I are to be married.” Daphne, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“There are advantages to being the second-born. Heirs have the responsibility. Second sons have the fun. So… why not go have some fun?” – Henry Granville, Season 1, Episode 4 “An Affair of Honour”

“Good. Now, where is the dinner I was promised?” – Lady Danbury, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“Dear child, have you lost your wits? Everyone enjoys secrets.” Lady Danbury, Season 1, Episode 5 “The Duke and I”

“Make way! Must you all act like sheep flocking to the trough?” – Queen Charlotte, Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”

“Is anything more exhilarating than taking a gamble? For it is often the highest risk that carries the greatest reward. Yet, wager wrongly, and you might find yourself left with nothing but regret.” Season 1, Episode 7 “Oceans Apart”


We Hope You Enjoyed These Bridgerton Quotes!

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