Where was Doctor Strange Filmed? A Full List of Doctor Strange Filming Locations!

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Doctor Strange is a great film to watch if you want to be inspired to travel, especially if places like Nepal and Mount Everest are on your bucket list!

After the New York City surgeon Dr. Stephen Strange damages his hands in a car accident, he travels to Kathmandu in search of a place called Kamar-Taj that may be able to help him regain his skills. Of course, he ends up learning there’s much more to the world than he thought and becomes a master of the Mystic Arts.

If you have ever wondered where was Doctor Strange filmed, then you are in luck because today we are sharing all the Dr. Strange filming locations from the 2016 film. Make sure you come back after May 2022 for updates once Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is released as well.

But for now, here are all the filming locations which you can visit – and some which you can’t but at least you’ll know where they are!

Doctor Strange Filming Locations in Nepal

Doctor Strange filmmakers had already decided upon filming in Nepal when the 2015 earthquake hit and destroyed many of the locations they had planned to use.

According to the Director’s Commentary on the Doctor Strange Blu-ray, both director Scott Derrickson and actor Benedict Cumberbatch thought the earthquake was all the more reason for them to shoot there, so the film would give tourism a much-needed boost.

So, where did Doctor Strange film in Nepal? Here are some noteworthy spots.

Kathmandu, Nepal (AKA Where Stephen Looks for Kamar-Taj)

Doctor Strange headed to Kathmandu to search for Kamar-Taj and the scenes of him wandering around asking locals about it were all actually filmed in Kathmandu. Mostly there are establishing shots of the city, as well as shots of Stephen walking through the Thamel neighborhood and down New Road.

When he runs his hand along some bells next to a white temple, this is at the real-life location of Swayambhu Stupa, an ancient shrine on top of a hill overlooking Kathmandu, and one of the most sacred Buddhist sites.

There are also shots of Strange walking along a bridge that leads to Pashupatinath Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Viewers also see Patan Durbar Square, although the scenes of Strange and other acolytes training inside Kamar-Taj, while inspired by the Keshav Narayan Chowk courtyard at the Patan Durbar palace, were actually created on set in the UK.

Doctor Strange Filming Locations in the United Kingdom

Nearly all the Doctor Strange filming locations on set were done in the United Kingdom, as were the street scenes that take place in London. There are also a couple of surprising movie spots that were brought to life in the UK.

Here is a list of the most noteworthy Doctor Strange filming locations in the UK:

Longcross Studios, Surrey

Address: Chobham Lane, Longcross, Chertsey KT16 0EE, United Kingdom

Many sets for Doctor Strange were created at the Longcross Studios, including the street leading into Kamar-Taj and the Hong Kong street near the end of the film where the reverse-time battle takes place. All the interiors of both Kamar-Taj and the Sanctum Sanctorum were also created on set at the studios.

The National Liberal Club, London (AKA Where Kaecilius Exits Kamar-Taj After Stealing Pages)

Address: 1 Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2HE, United Kingdom

At the beginning of the film, we see the zealot Kaecilius and his followers steal pages from a book in the library of Kamar-Taj.

After they are confronted by the Ancient One they go through a portal and then open a door that leads to London before rushing out onto Whitehall Place from the real-life location of the National Liberal Club.

You can see the glass-covered entryway of the Corinthian Hotel directly opposite as they run out.

The junction of Northumberland Avenue and Great Scotland Yard, London (AKA Where the Ancient One Confronts Kaecilius and His Followers)

Address: Northumberland Avenue & Great Scotland Yard, London WC2N 5AP, UK

As the group runs down Whitehall Place the Ancient One catches up to them and catches them in the Mirror Dimension at the spot where Northumberland Avenue meets Great Scotland Yard (the street named after the police service).

When everything goes all trippy and they start fighting up the sides of the moving buildings, this is taking place on Great Scotland Yard, with the addition of CGI, of course!

After Kaecilius and his cronies escape through a portal, the Ancient One calmly continues walking up Northumberland Avenue towards Trafalgar Square, even as passersby stare a bit at her robes. Turn the below map to the right to see where she walks.

Exeter College Chapel, Oxford (AKA Where Kaecilius and His Followers Perform the Ritual)

Address: Turl St, Oxford OX1 3DP, United Kingdom

When Kaecilius and his cronies perform the ritual to contact Dormammu (and get that weird eye makeup) they do this inside the beautiful chapel at Exeter College in Oxford. The chapel was inspired by the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris and makes an ideal base to show the incredible kaleidoscope powers the followers receive from Dormammu.

Ropemaker Street, London (AKA Where the Ancient One Falls)

Address: 1 Ropemaker St, London EC2Y, UK

While the final battle between Kaecilius and the Ancient One takes place in the Mirror Dimension of New York, she falls through a portal to reality, seemingly crashing onto the pavement in New York (as Strange then rushes her to the hospital where Christine works).

This scene was actually filmed in London rather than New York, and the spot where the Ancient One lands is directly outside a Costa Coffee shop on Ropemaker Street. Since there are many glass skyscrapers here, it does look like it could be New York City.

Doctor Strange Filming Locations in the United States

Since Stephen Strange is a New York City neurosurgeon, it makes sense that some of his story is filmed in his hometown.

Of course, the fictional New York Sanctum Sanctorum is also located here, and the filmmakers used a mix of on-site filming, CGI and sets to bring New York City to life.

Here are some noteworthy Doctor Strange filming locations in the US.

 535 West End Avenue at West 86th Street (AKA Doctor Strange’s Condo)

Address: 535 West End Avenue, New York, NY 10024, USA

Doctor Strange’s apartment appears to be located at 535 West End Avenue, as this is the building from which he drives out of the garage in his Lamborghini Huracán Coupé.

The interior shots were done on set at Longcross Studios with CGI added, as the views from his penthouse don’t actually match the buildings around the real-life location.

However, he very clearly does drive off up West 86th Street before leaving the city via the George Washington Bridge.

The NY-97 near the Hawks Nest (AKA Where Doctor Strange Crashes His Car)

Address: 546 NY-97, Sparrow Bush, NY 12780, United States

After leaving New York Stephen is driving along Route NY-97, which runs alongside the Delaware River.

There’s a particular section called the Hawks Nest where there are some sharp curves, which is where Stephen has his fateful crash while looking at his phone while driving too fast in the rain.

West 12th and West 4th Streets in West Village, NY (AKA The Entrance to the New York Sanctum Sanctorum)

Address: 319 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10014, USA

The main Doctor Strange building is the stunning New York sanctum, otherwise known as the Sanctum Sanctorum.

While the New York Sanctum is supposed to be located on Bleeker Street in Greenwich Village, when Stephen gets blasted into it and then walks outside, the shot was actually filmed at the junction between West 12th Street and West 4th Street in the West Village.

There’s just a piece of blank wall where the entrance to the Sanctum was placed, either by CGI or a facade that was constructed for that scene.

Madison Avenue and East 30th Street (AKA Where Mordo and Strange Flee Kaecilius in the Mirror Dimension)

Address: Madison Avenue and East 30th Street, New York, NY 10016, USA

After Baron Mordo and the Ancient One arrive at the New York Sanctum, Kaecilius and his cronies aren’t far behind. They chase Mordo and Strange out into the Mirror Dimension version of the streets of New York, which quickly change so that they’re no longer in Bleeker Street.

Strange and Mordo run down Madison Avenue, when we see the shot of Kaecilius and co following, they are right at the junction between Madison Avenue and East 30th Street, with Madison Avenue buildings behind them.

East 32nd Street and Madison Avenue (AKA Where Mordo and Strange Hit A Bus)

Address: Madison Avenue and East 32nd Street, New York, NY 10016, USA

Strange and Mordo try to escape with a portal, but Kaecilius makes the whole street tilt over so that the pair end up splatting into the window of a bus, inside of which is Stan Lee laughing as he reads The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley.

This shot actually makes sense, as it takes place at the intersection two streets up, where Madison Avenue meets East 32nd Street. You can see the white building on the right over Strange’s shoulder in the scene. After that everything becomes a bit loopy…

The Alexandria Center for Life Sciences (AKA The Metro-General Hospital Balcony Where Strange and the Ancient One Talk in Astral Form)

Address: 430 E 29th St, New York, NY 10016

While the doctors try to save her life, the Ancient One goes out to a balcony of the hospital in her astral form, where Strange joins her. They discuss death while looking out over the East River.

You can’t visit the exact spot where this scene was filmed (probably with CGI as well) but it definitely looks like it would be what you saw from a higher balcony at night.

Valley Friction Materials (AKA Where Mordo Visits Pangborn in the Post-Credits Scene)

Address: 11817 Sherman Way, North Hollywood, CA 91605, United States

In the post-credits scene, Mordo visits Pangborn as he is doing some sort of metalwork inside a workshop. According to IMDB this scene was filmed inside the (now-closed) Valley Friction Materials in North Hollywood.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Filming Locations

Now that the second Doctor Strange film has been released, we have, of course, hunted down as many of the filming locations as possible! If you’ve seen the film (which we do recommend before reading any further due to spoilers) then you can probably guess that a LOT of the action was filmed on sets with heavy use of CGI.

Longcross Studios, Surrey

Address: Chobham Lane, Longcross, Chertsey KT16 0EE, United Kingdom

Many Multiverse of Madness filming locations are in the United Kingdom, with the majority of the sets built at Longcross Studios, which is about an hour west of London. For example, the New York scenes where Strange and Wong battle a giant octopus-eye monster that’s chasing America were actually all filmed on a New York set constructed at Longcross Studios. The scene is meant to look like Spring Street in SoHo (between Greene Street and Mercer Street) and while it does look similar it doesn’t perfectly line up. The multiverse versions of New York were also created on sets here, but there are some real-life filming locations you can visit.

St Francis Xavier Church (AKA The Church Where Christine Gets Married)

Address: 225 6th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

While the interior wedding scenes were probably filmed on-set, the exterior shot of the church is the real-life St Francis Xavier Church in Brooklyn. This is where Doctor Strange also has that testy exchange with Dr. Nicodemus West.

Royal Institute of British Architects (AKA Where the Wedding Reception is Held)

Address: 66 Portland Place, London

The interior shots of the wedding reception were not filmed on a set but were actually filmed inside the Royal Institute of British Architects in London. Clever CGI was used to make it seem like the reception was in SoHo. Near the very end of the video on this page, there are some shots of what looks like the interior entrance of 66 Portland Place, which is where the wedding reception was filmed, you can see the very distinct architecture.

Burrow Hill Cider Farm (AKA Wanda’s Apple Orchard)

Address: Burrow Hill, Burrow Way, Kingsbury Episcopi, Martock, UK

When Dr. Strange goes to see Wanda he finds her tending to an apple orchard which actually turns out to be a spell, but it looked pretty until she dropped the facade! The shots of Wanda and Stephen walking through this idyllic orchard were filmed on location at the Burrow Hill Cider Farm, in the county of Somerset, about three hours west of London. Apparently, it’s a lovely spot to visit and buy local ciders if you are in the area.

Freemasons’ Hall (AKA the Illuminati Headquarters in Earth-838)

Address: 60 Great Queen Street, Camden Town, London

When America and Dr. Strange get lost in another version of Earth, they discover that they are in Earth-838 and are taken prisoner by this dimension’s version of Mordo at the Headquarters of the Illuminati. The scenes where America and Dr. Strange are held in big clear boxes were filmed inside the Freemasons Hall in London, which is also home to a museum. These scenes take part in the main entrance hall of the building, although in the film this section leads out to an open area which was definitely filmed at the British Museum, cleverly combined using CGI.

The Freemasons Hall:

The British Museum:

Have Any Tips on Doctor Strange Filming Locations?

Let us know in the comments so we can update our guide and make it better!

Some Doctor Strange filming locations we can’t quite figure out are:

  • Metro-General Hospital, New York – The hospital where Stephen and Christine work (plus where he goes after being stabbed and then takes the Ancient One after her fall) is fictional but we have seen one report that the interior shots were filmed at the LondonEast-UK Business and Technical Park. We can’t confirm it as there aren’t any interior shots on Google maps to compare to the film.
  • The crash site – According to IMDB when Stephen careens off the road near the Crow’s Nest and crashes into the bank of the Delaware River, this was actually filmed at Northfleet Industrial Estate in Gravesend, UK. We can’t get any pictures to confirm this but part of the site is next to the River Thames so it would work.
  • Where Strange visits Pangborn – after his crash Stephen hears about a medical marvel and tracks down Jonathan Pangborn, who tells him to go to Kamar-Taj. This scene takes place on an urban basketball court that looks like it’s somewhere in New York, but we’re not sure if it was filmed in New York or created on a set.
  • Wundagore Mountain – There are reports that for In the Multiverse of Madness some filming was done in Norway and Iceland, which we assume was probably for the snowy backdrops for the Wundagore Mountain scenes, although we haven’t been able to confirm specifics.
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Kristy Brandt

Originally from Tasmania, Australia, Kristy was living in London when she unexpectedly met a Dutch bloke and ended up moving to the Netherlands to be with him. Now she can be found taking numerous photos of their four weird cats, eating lots of stroopwafels and blogging at Tassie Devil Abroad.

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